Valorant Review (2023)- best online game

After the incredible success of League of Legends, Riot Games ventured into a new frontier, aiming to redefine another genre. However, this time they faced fierce competition from established titles like Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Overwatch, and Rainbow Six Siege, making it a challenging endeavor in an already saturated market.

Against all odds, Riot Games persevered and unveiled their competitive FPS title, Valorant. As an underdog, the project immediately captured the attention of both the media and the public, generating immense excitement. In hindsight, it's clear that Riot struck gold, as Valorant swiftly became a cornerstone of the industry, attracting millions of monthly players, hosting thrilling tournaments, and remaining at the forefront of trends through regular updates.

Story And Setting:

Contrary to expectations, Valorant, a multiplayer-only shooter, surprisingly incorporates an intriguing narrative. The game is set in a universe with two Earths, Alpha and Omega, and revolves around the enigmatic substance called Radianite. Alpha Earth possesses an abundance of Radianite, while Omega Earth lacks it, resulting in a central conflict focused on obtaining this valuable resource.

Riot Games has masterfully developed this storyline throughout the game's lifespan. They regularly release captivating short films that delve deeper into the world and its characters, offering insights into their roles and relationships. Moreover, the maps' designs and hidden references provide additional glimpses into the story, albeit in an ambiguous manner.

Players can uncover fragments of lore through the dialogue of the characters before and after each round. These conversations touch upon their motives, backstories, and connections with other agents, allowing players to connect with their favorite characters on a personal level. Whether players delve deeply into the lore or simply enjoy the minor details, Riot has successfully integrated a captivating narrative that enhances the gameplay experience in Valorant.


Valorant cleverly combines the hero-class system of Overwatch with the gameplay loop of CS:GO, offering players the best of both worlds. In a typical match, players can choose to play as Attackers or Defenders, with the objective being to win 13 rounds before the opposing team. After each round, players earn credits based on their performance, which they can spend on weapons, abilities, and armor for the next round.

For Attackers, the goal is to eliminate the enemy team or successfully plant the Spike (the in-game bomb) at designated sites and defend it until it explodes. Defenders, on the other hand, must hold the sites until the timer runs out or defuse the Spike if it has been planted by the Attackers. After playing 12 rounds, the teams switch sides during the half-time break.

To keep the experience fresh, Valorant offers a selection of eight game modes, including Unrated, Competitive, Swiftplay, Deathmatch, Spike Rush, Escalation, Replication, and Snowball Fight. While the first five modes are permanent, the last three are seasonal formats that are temporarily available.

The hero system in Valorant features 21 unique agents, each with four distinct abilities, including an Ultimate ability that serves as a character's trump card. At the start of each round, players can purchase all abilities except the Ultimate, which charges up gradually as they accumulate kills and contribute to the objectives.

Agents are categorized into four types based on their playstyle and role within the team. Duelists are offensive agents who excel at initiating fights and securing kills, while Initiators assist in gaining map control. Sentinels specialize in defense, effectively locking down areas and watching flanks, while Controllers can manipulate enemy territory to facilitate their team's access to sites.

The addictive and often intense gameplay loop, combined with the diverse agents and their abilities, ensures a fresh experience with every match. The highlight of Valorant lies in the agents' abilities, allowing players to develop their own strategies and execute crafty plays


However, the game falls short when it comes to weapon balancing and variety. While the gunplay itself is satisfying and encourages unique playstyles, a few weapons tend to overshadow the others as more viable choices. For example, the Spectre is popular in budget rounds, while the Vandal and Phantom dominate all-out rounds. With only 17 weapons to choose from, and a handful defining the meta, purchasing options can feel limited and repetitive.

Although Riot Games has made efforts to address this issue and improve the gun meta since Valorant's beta phase, there is still room for further improvement. By introducing new agents to the game, expanding the roster from 10 to 21, Riot has added more enjoyment and variety, allowing players to encounter a wider range of agents in matches. With new agents expected to be released approximately every three months, players can look forward to even more options in 2023 and beyond.

Visuals And Performance:

Riot Games' signature distinct and vibrant art style is showcased brilliantly in Valorant, setting it apart from most modern competitive shooters. Despite being a few years old, the game's visuals continue to impress, offering a radiant and visually appealing experience.

Each map and location in Valorant is bursting with bright colors, intricate designs, and stunning vistas, captivating players as they navigate through the game. The agents themselves feature distinct color palettes that make them easily distinguishable from one another. Even the smallest details on the maps and weapons are meticulously crafted, providing a feast for the eyes and allowing players to appreciate the level of artistry.

Remarkably, Valorant's visual splendor is accessible even on modest desktop setups. The game prioritizes performance, ensuring it can run smoothly on a wide range of hardware specifications. During gameplay, we experienced consistent FPS even in intense moments with abundant particles and action on the screen. Valorant is primarily CPU-bound, yet we achieved over 300 FPS on a several generations-old Core i5-9400f processor, while playing at 1080p resolution with all settings maximized.

Moreover, Valorant offers extensive customization options for graphics, allowing players to tailor their experience for optimal performance and visual quality. Whether adjusting resolution, visual settings, or in-game stats, players have full control over their preferences. Changes can be made in both the menu and during gameplay, providing real-time results. Even on the lowest settings, the game remains readable without appearing outdated, thanks to its modern art style that transcends the need for excessive graphical fidelity.

As a PC-exclusive game, Riot has clearly excelled in optimizing Valorant for a smooth and immersive gaming experience. The game demonstrates excellent accessibility, a user-friendly interface, and minimal visual and performance bugs. The multitude of graphical settings adds an additional layer of convenience, enabling players to choose between performance and visuals according to their preferences.

Overall, Valorant stands out as a visually captivating and well-optimized game that caters to a wide range of players, delivering an enjoyable and hassle-free experience.


Riot Games has consistently supported Valorant since its launch, introducing 11 additional agents, new maps, and balance changes to keep the gameplay fresh and the meta evolving. This commitment to ongoing improvement has contributed to the game's growing player base and its rise as one of the prominent titles in the realm of esports.

In addition to gameplay updates, Valorant has made significant strides in narrative worldbuilding, crafting intriguing plot points, character arcs, and vibrant personalities that add a unique charm often overlooked in competitive shooters.

All in all, Riot Games has achieved the unimaginable by breaking into a gaming space dominated by esports giants. Valorant, once seen as the underdog, has filled a crucial gap in the market and quickly gained popularity on par with its competitors. With its dynamic storytelling, polished gameplay, and visually appealing graphics, Valorant's popularity is bound to endure.

This concludes our review of Valorant. While you're here, feel free to explore our other articles.

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