Escape From Tarkov Guide- best online game


Beginner's Guide: Basics and Features

Embarking on the journey of playing Escape from Tarkov can be an intimidating and anxiety-inducing experience, especially for newcomers. The game's emphasis on realism and its complex array of systems pose a significant learning challenge that may not be suitable for everyone.

However, IGN's Beginner's Guide to Escape from Tarkov aims to provide you with all the essential knowledge and information you need to confidently start your adventure in this immersive game.

Tarkov's General Gameplay Loop:

Escape from Tarkov is an FPS game with RPG elements that plunges players into intense raids against other players and AI bots within expansive maps. Survival is the ultimate objective, requiring players to navigate the chosen stage and reach extraction points before time runs out.

While the concept may seem straightforward, the game's intricacies add layers of complexity. A single headshot from any weapon can prove fatal unless protected by a helmet, and even then, the effectiveness varies depending on the type of helmet. Health does not regenerate naturally and requires specific items, while looting and managing a limited inventory becomes crucial. The vast array of weapons further contributes to the learning curve.

A key aspect of Escape from Tarkov is its roguelike/roguelite nature. Upon death, players lose all their equipment, emphasizing the high-stakes nature of each raid. However, the game offers the opportunity to play as a Scav, a character with random equipment, providing a chance to scavenge and replenish one's stash.

To progress in the game, players engage in raids as Scavs to accumulate loot, sell items, and complete quests with traders. This allows for the gradual build-up of resources and a stronger stash for the main character, PMC (Private Military Contractor). Survival as a PMC becomes more feasible with an extensive stash, but mastering the game mechanics requires a substantial time investment.

In summary, Escape from Tarkov offers a challenging and immersive experience where players must strategically navigate raids, manage resources, and gradually build up their characters to increase their chances of survival.

The Basics of Healing:

Escape from Tarkov features a complex health system that differs from typical FPS games. When you sustain injuries in Tarkov, your health won't regenerate over time as it does in many modern shooters. Instead, the game introduces a detailed limb-based health graph accessible through the "Health" tab.

This graph provides an overview of your overall status and highlights any specific body parts that have been damaged. In addition to losing health points from hits, you may also suffer negative effects from injuries. For instance, a shot to the arm can cause a small or severe cut, which requires bandages to prevent death from blood loss. Falling from a height can result in broken legs, altering your movement. Temporary relief can be found in painkillers, although their effects are short-lived.

It is essential to understand the functionality of different healing items and their appropriate usage. When a body part is entirely depleted (indicated by turning black in the graph), a surgical kit such as a CMS is required before you can begin recovering your health.

In Escape from Tarkov, meticulous attention to your health status and the timely application of the appropriate healing items are crucial for survival and success in the game's challenging environment.

Eating and Drinking:

In Escape from Tarkov, your main character has two crucial stats to monitor: hydration and energy. It is vital to keep these stats from reaching zero as they directly impact your character's performance and overall well-being. When hydration and energy levels drop to zero, your character will experience limitations in movement, weak physical abilities, and intermittent loss of vision. Prolonged exposure to these depleted states can even lead to death in the field.

To prevent such dire consequences, it is essential to plan ahead and carry necessary supplies in your equipment. Having at least a bottle of water and some food, such as an Iskra ration, is advisable. However, if you plan on performing fast extractions and minimizing your time on the battlefield, these items may not be immediately necessary. It's important to be mindful of your surroundings and avoid prolonged exposure without access to hydration and sustenance.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the game's mechanics discourage frequent PMC raids, as the stats of your character won't regenerate instantly. Instead, you must allow your character time to recover by either abstaining from raids or replenishing their needs using items from your stash.

By prioritizing hydration and energy management, and making strategic use of supplies, you can ensure your character remains in optimal condition during raids and increase your chances of survival in the challenging world of Escape from Tarkov.


In Escape from Tarkov, money plays a crucial role as it enables you to purchase superior equipment from Traders or other players. Accumulating wealth can be achieved through various means, such as completing quests and selling items that are deemed unnecessary or unlikely to be used.

A valuable tip is to consider selling weapons that have deteriorated and reached a state of diminished usability. To maximize their value, it is advisable to disassemble these weapons and sell their individual parts separately. Additionally, it is wise to unload magazines and save the ammunition separately, as ammunition holds greater importance and value than the weapon itself.

By strategically managing your inventory and making shrewd decisions on what to sell, you can generate a steady income to fund your character's progress and acquire better gear in Escape from Tarkov.

Insurance and Recovering Equipment:

Escape from Tarkov introduces an interesting mechanic called insurance, which provides a chance to recover your lost equipment upon death in a Raid. Before venturing into a level, you have the option to approach Traders like Prapor or the Therapist and request insurance for your equipped items. Each item carries its own insurance cost, and it typically takes at least 12 hours for the NPCs to return your gear.

However, there is a caveat to this system. Insurance can fail if another player manages to loot your equipment during the Raid. To mitigate this risk, you can attempt to hide your gear when you sense danger or anticipate your demise, although such situations are relatively uncommon.

Another way to safeguard your belongings is by teaming up with friends. You can ask them to retrieve your equipment, survive the Raid, and then transfer it back to you in your subsequent Raid. Of course, this method relies on their available inventory space and some luck in combat.

By utilizing the insurance mechanic or employing teamwork, you have a chance to salvage your lost equipment in Escape from Tarkov, adding an extra layer of strategic decision-making to the game.


Mastering the art of efficient looting is crucial in Escape from Tarkov. The items you come across during your raids hold immense value and can serve various purposes that aid your survival and progression.

One of the primary uses of looted items is for healing. Medical supplies such as bandages, painkillers, and medical kits can be essential in patching yourself up and recovering from injuries sustained in combat.

Additionally, looting allows you to gather resources for improving your loadouts. You can find weapons, ammunition, attachments, armor, and other gear that can significantly enhance your combat effectiveness.

Another aspect of looting is the acquisition of items for constructing modules. These modules can be built in your hideout and provide various benefits, such as crafting items, improving skills, and even generating income.

Furthermore, you can sell the items you find to NPCs in the game, earning valuable currency that can be used to purchase better equipment or unlock progression opportunities.

Ultimately, looting efficiently is a skill that will help you survive and thrive in Escape from Tarkov. It requires careful decision-making, prioritizing valuable items, and managing your inventory effectively to make the most of your findings.


Your personal Hideout in Escape from Tarkov serves as a crucial base for your character's progress and provides exclusive bonuses to enhance your gameplay experience. By constructing modules within your Hideout, you can unlock a range of valuable benefits that can significantly aid you in your journey.

One of the advantages of building modules is increased regeneration rates. This means that your character will recover health, energy, and hydration at an accelerated pace, allowing for quicker recuperation between raids.

Another significant benefit is the expansion of your stash. As you upgrade your Hideout, you'll gain access to additional storage space, enabling you to hoard more valuable items and equipment without worrying about limited inventory.

Additionally, constructing specific modules grants you the ability to repair weapons and armor. This means that you can restore damaged gear, saving you money on purchasing replacements and ensuring that you can maintain your equipment in optimal condition.

However, it's important to note that building modules in your Hideout requires the acquisition of specific items and reaching Loyalty Levels with traders, which can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. The process may involve extensive looting, completing quests, and grinding to gather the necessary resources.

Nevertheless, the rewards that come from investing time and effort into your Hideout are well worth it. The bonuses and advantages gained from constructing modules will enhance your survivability, improve your efficiency, and ultimately contribute to your overall progress in the game.

Recommended Equipment:

When venturing into a Raid as a PMC in Escape from Tarkov, it's crucial to properly equip your character for the challenges ahead. While the ideal loadout may vary depending on your playstyle, here are some general tips to consider, especially for your first Raids.

First and foremost, investing in a high-quality earpiece can greatly enhance your situational awareness and reaction time. Being able to accurately hear enemy footsteps, distant gunshots, and other important audio cues can give you a significant advantage in navigating the environment and anticipating potential threats.

Equally important is ensuring that you have a bulletproof chest rig and a helmet. These protective pieces of equipment significantly increase your chances of survival by mitigating damage from incoming gunfire. They provide crucial defense against both players and AI enemies, reducing the risk of fatal shots and increasing your overall durability.

Understanding and utilizing the Traders in Escape from Tarkov is also essential for your progress in the game. There are eight Traders, each offering unique services such as buying specific items, selling gear and equipment, and providing quests to undertake. Building a good relationship with the Traders is vital for improving your economy, acquiring better gear, and advancing in the game.

Make it a priority to complete quests given by the Traders as they often offer valuable rewards, including experience points, reputation, and access to higher-tier items. Additionally, consider selling unwanted or excess items to the Traders to earn money and free up inventory space.

As you gain more experience and become familiar with the game's mechanics, you'll be able to refine and customize your loadouts to suit your preferred playstyle. Remember to adapt and learn from each Raid, continuously improving your gear choices and strategies to increase your chances of success.


As you progress through Escape from Tarkov, you'll likely realize that leveling up your character can be a time-consuming process. While experience points (EXP) are earned based on factors such as time spent in a map, kills, and loot obtained, the overall EXP gained from these sources may not be substantial.

However, quests play a crucial role in accelerating your character's progression. Interacting with the Traders allows you to accept tasks when they are available, which not only provide valuable rewards like money, weapons, and items but also grant experience points.

Completing quests offers a significant boost to your EXP, enabling you to level up more efficiently. It's advisable to prioritize quest objectives and actively pursue them to maximize your progress. These quests often involve specific objectives, such as retrieving certain items, eliminating targets, or exploring designated areas.

By diligently engaging in quests and fulfilling the Traders' requests, you can earn substantial experience points, making it an integral part of your character's advancement in the game. Additionally, the rewards obtained from completing quests can significantly aid your survival and improve your arsenal, further enhancing your chances of success in subsequent Raids.

Keep in mind that quest availability may vary depending on your progression and reputation with the Traders. It's beneficial to establish positive relationships with the Traders by completing their quests, as this can unlock additional quests, new items for purchase, and increase your overall reputation with them.

By actively pursuing quests and consistently meeting the Traders' objectives, you'll not only gain valuable rewards but also expedite your character's leveling process, allowing you to access higher-tier equipment and abilities as you strive for success in Escape from Tarkov.

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