World of Warcraft Review - Is It Worth Playing In 2023?

About World of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft, also known as WoW, is an iconic game that needs no introduction. This immensely popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) has revolutionized the genre and maintained its dominance for nearly two decades.

The original release of World of Warcraft was a recipe for success, building upon the beloved Warcraft franchise. It continued the captivating story from Warcraft 3, while preserving the visually stunning art style that has become synonymous with the series.

Even today, WoW boasts a massive player base and offers engaging content for both PvE (Player versus Environment) and PvP (Player versus Player) enthusiasts. The game features fast-paced and responsive combat, an enchanting world to explore, and an expansive storyline waiting to be unraveled. 


One of the most notable aspects that sets World of Warcraft apart is the significance of its story. With its direct continuation from the events of Warcraft 3, the game attracts many long-time players who have a deep interest in the unfolding narrative and its future developments.

While it's true that some MMORPG players tend to overlook dialogue and lore, or even skip through them to dive straight into action, the story in WoW holds substantial relevance even for those who don't delve into every detail.

The game presents its story not only through dialogue and quests but, perhaps most importantly, through breathtaking cinematic cutscenes that have become a trademark of WoW. When the story takes a significant turn, it becomes a major event within the gaming community. These pivotal moments, presented with unparalleled cinematographic quality, resonate strongly with players who have formed connections with the beloved characters over the years.


When it comes to gameplay, World of Warcraft has set the standard for theme park MMORPGs, which follow a linear path of progression tied to the main story. While WoW still adheres to this design choice in its expansions, it now offers players multiple ways to experience Azeroth on their adventure, at least until reaching the level cap for the latest expansion.

For instance, players can utilize the Group Finder tool to level up entirely through group content, joining forces with random players to tackle dungeons. This option is particularly appealing to casual players who have limited time to play each day.

Additionally, WoW offers a wide range of PvE and PvP content to cater to different playstyles. Players can engage in various professions such as fishing and alchemy, participate in faction PvP battlegrounds, compete in ranked arenas, delve into dungeons and raids, and embark on countless quests. Moreover, the Chromie Time system allows players to experience past expansions with level scaling, ensuring a fresh and challenging experience.

Furthermore, each expansion introduces new gameplay mechanics to keep the experience dynamic and exciting. Examples include Dragon Riding in Dragonflight and Garrisons in Warlords of Draenor. With such a diverse array of activities, players never run out of things to do in the world of WoW.


Despite its age, World of Warcraft's combat system remains one of the most enjoyable in any MMORPG. WoW utilizes a "tab targeting" style of combat, where players must select an enemy and then cast a skill that will directly target that enemy, except for ground-targeted abilities that require specific placement.

When it comes to tab targeting combat, WoW stands out above other games. The game offers a wide variety of classes, each with their own unique mechanics and aesthetics. Players have access to a plethora of abilities to choose from, accompanied by visually appealing animations. Most importantly, the combat in WoW feels snappy, responsive, and rewarding when played skillfully.

One of the standout features of combat in WoW is the epic boss fights. Whether encountered in dungeons or raids, each boss presents unique challenges and mechanics that players must master to succeed. Overcoming these encounters requires attention to one's own rotation and class mechanics, as well as coordination with teammates to execute boss mechanics correctly. The sense of accomplishment that comes from successfully defeating a challenging boss is immensely satisfying.

In summary, World of Warcraft offers a combat system that combines engaging tab targeting mechanics, a diverse range of classes and abilities, and thrilling boss encounters that test players' skills and teamwork. It is an aspect of the game that continues to captivate players even after all these years.

Mission System:

Quests play a crucial role in progressing through World of Warcraft, serving as the primary means of advancing the story. Each expansion builds upon the previous ones while also introducing its own unique and self-contained narrative.

While following the main storyline is important, side quests become your best companions during the leveling process. Each zone in WoW is filled with numerous side quests that provide additional lore, rewards, and opportunities for exploration. It's common to gather a handful of quests, complete all the objectives in one go, and then return to collect the well-deserved rewards, which is a satisfying experience.

However, it's worth acknowledging that quest design in WoW can sometimes feel dated. The prevalence of fetch quests, where players are tasked with collecting certain items or delivering messages, can create a repetitive and potentially monotonous gameplay loop. This aspect of questing has been criticized by some players, highlighting the need for variety and more engaging quest mechanics.

Nonetheless, WoW continues to evolve and improve its quest design over time. Recent expansions have introduced more dynamic and story-driven quests, offering a more engaging experience for players. It's important to keep in mind that while some quests may feel repetitive, there are still many compelling and memorable quests scattered throughout the game world.

In conclusion, quests are a vital component of the WoW experience, providing players with opportunities to progress, explore, and immerse themselves in the rich lore of the game. While certain aspects of quest design may feel dated, WoW continues to evolve, aiming to strike a balance between traditional questing and more engaging, narrative-driven experiences.


World of Warcraft's graphics have stood the test of time by embracing a timeless art direction rather than striving for hyper-realism. The game's visual design, which draws inspiration from the beloved Warcraft 3, has resonated with fans since its inception and continues to captivate players to this day.

While certain models and textures may reveal the game's age, WoW's stylized approach ensures that it remains visually appealing. In fact, the game underwent a remaster a few years ago, which significantly enhanced character models and combat animations, breathing new life into the game's visuals.

The adage that "graphics become old but art direction is forever" holds true for World of Warcraft. The game boasts some of the most iconic and easily recognizable visual designs in the history of gaming. The distinct and imaginative art direction has contributed to the game's enduring popularity, creating a visually engaging and immersive world for players to explore.

In summary, while World of Warcraft's graphics may not aim for hyper-realism, its timeless art direction and stylized visuals have enabled the game to maintain its charm and appeal throughout the years. By prioritizing artistic integrity over graphical fidelity, WoW has created a visually striking and iconic gaming experience.

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